Ms. Ritu Khosla is intuitive , clairvoyant , powerful angelic energy healer and card reader . She coaches  and mentors her clients by clearing core issues , limiting beliefs and deeply rooted energetic blocks. As a manifestation coach , she helps people to manifest the best of health , relationships and finances.

I have manifested the titles: Indian Inspirational Women 2020 , Mrs India United Nations 2019... Now its your chance...

Why bringing abundance seems so so difficult ?

Changing patterns  is not easy , it will not come with positive thinking as the popular belief is . It comes with self awareness. It needs much deeper work . You need to aware of your energy , your repeated patterns and your limiting beliefs . All these appears as blocks in manifesting something new. Here comes the role of the coach , to make to aware , evolve n empower you to create a new reality for yourself.

Bringing growth and change  seems difficult as we lack faith in our abilities due to various challenging personal experiences. When we have no idea about the Laws of nature , when our own belief system completely hinders our growth and when we have no idea about removing the inner blocks to bring abundance in life. We are all meant to be successful n abundant , so why live a life which is less abundant. Believe in abundance of money , comfort , freedom, loving relationships, great health. 

Allow your self to manifest NOW !!


Let's Limit Our Problems To Challenges,Challenges can be handled with empowerment.

Raising your vibration, to be in abundance cycle
Join me on 66 day energy makeover , attracting grace.

I am there to assist you on this path.

This challenge includes nine to 12 personal sessions of 60 min each on every seventh day. You will be supported by special personalised strategies to make the necessary energy shift to manifest the best. Emergency help over 66 days to cope up with this change.

Works beautifully for attracting great relationships, losing weight , building finances , reviving health .

Journey you will be taken through 

Session 1 : Aura Scanning to analyse  the current energy state , card reading to map the manifestation journey. Aura cleaning , first step to uplift the energy.

Session 2 : Locating the major blocks in your energy field by Chakra scanning, sharing the blocks and limiting beliefs . Strategies shared to overcome the limiting beliefs.

Session 3: Removing the blocks , healing and uplifting energy . After each session you will be given action steps to manifest your goals.

To retain the uplifted energy and to avoid recreating these blocks you will, be supported by daily meditations, affirmations and visualisations and many more personalised strategies.

Session 4 – Session 8 : Removing the blocks , healings and uplifting energy , followed by action steps.

Session 9: Your Energy is tuned to manifesting energy and you will start observing the results.

Time : Spread over 66 days, Cost : 999 $ / 75 K

Winner of INDIA INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN 2020  Helping people  to manifest the best.

Winner of MRS INDIA UNITED NATIONS 2019 , a journey of manifesting a dream.

I love Manifesting...

Since my childhood I have been manifesting things subconciously. As a child I found it magical and as an adult too it is no less magical to me. This supports the immense power we have as humans.
My latest trial with manifestation was in May 2019 , I wrote on my vision board be Mrs India. It was completely out of the box thing for me as I was an educationist and a spiritual seeker never focussed on this area . My logical mind was saying , are you crazy and my imaginative mind said anything can happen. 
So the trial begins.After two months an add appeared on my fb page regarding Mrs India Pageant . Never in years I had seen any add of such pageants on my fb page.So I decided to register. I was called for auditions and  to my joy  I cleared the  NCR auditions. 
Time to participate in the finals , my mindfulness practices, mystage presence , and my passion to serve helped me won the title.  So in October 2019 I won the title of Mrs India United Nations.  Able to  manifest my out of the box idea in just six months.
So friends Dare to Dream , Dare to achieve. I have manifested , you can manifest too.

Be open to life , be open to manifesting !!

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